LIFandE paperback books and Kindle

Lifandé is visited by a School Book Club

My first opportunity to visit a school as a Humanist School Speaker after completing a day course with Humanists UK came with a request via

Photo of the Author
Gareth Rosser
I felt thoroughly welcome and appreciated as I spoke to 60 KS4 pupils for an hour and forty minutes. I had been completely uncertain that I would have the confidence to do it, but it is a topic that I feel both passionate and enthusiastic about, so I pushed myself into it and am so very glad I did!

I am looking to fit my developing series of self-published books in and around a role as a Humanist School Speaker. I aim to rework, adjust and expand the series based on the reactions I get to it and the topics that schools need to cover from a non-religious or Humanist perspective, as they are wonderfully required to do in the UK now.

In a second visit to the school, I had the opportunity to show my books to the Book Club. I played the narrated video of the first book and pupils were also each able to read it from the website on school library laptops.

We spent most of the time talking, so the following are slightly hurried comments noted down and handed to me at the end by pupils that I am hugely grateful for and appreciative of - many only touching on the more completely formed questions, comments and ideas that the wonderfully engaging, challenging, polite and thoughtful pupils had.

Here are their comments:
I think this book is accessible to all ages and allows young minds to run wild. Images could be more detailed.
I really enjoyed reading the book because it is easy to follow and very eye-catching. It will also help younger children understand more about science and that it can be correct. I think that this book doesn't need to have any changes.
I really enjoyed reading and watching the book. It allows younger children to widen there thoughts instead of being told that religion is 100% correct. I would really like to read all of the other books. All the books are very eye-catching and appealing. In my opinion, I think this book doesn't need changing. Thank you for visiting us. I had a great time learning about your book.
Very good books. The pictures would help young people understand, but some of the words would be hard for a child to understand.
Your books was very creative and imaginative. It could be for a different age group.
The book is really good because it opens peoples minds to new ideas. I would recommend this book to someone who is looking for something new and original, which brings in new ideas.
I think that your ideas are really good and the images are very child-friendly and the text is a unique and easy way of talking to children about a difficult subject to explain.
I have just one thing to improve it. I think that maybe the images and text are set for different age groups. The texts are in-depth enough for older readers, but, in my opinion, the images are designed to please younger readers.
I think that the idea is very good and interesting (suitable for 9 - 13+). The images are nice and colourful, but very child friendly.
One thing to improve would be that the images and text size are set for different ages than the story.
I really think you could open this up to younger children because they might not know the meaning of what they are worshipping and they should understand what they are being told.
LIFandE is a fascinating childrens' book touching on Humanist beliefs. The book is styled as a comic with cartoon images that seem to be suited for a very young audience. However, the content is quite mature and serious, so the messages are kind of conflicting. The books holds two stories; that of a fictional creature named Edna exploring evolution; and the story of another creature named Daniel who displays ideas of early religion. The book raises lots of questions about science and religion which may not be entirely approachable for younger children. However, the questions and beliefs lead to interesting discussions with an older audience.
I enjoyed looking, reading and listening to one of the LIFandE books. I think they work well to address Humanist ideas and beliefs that may otherwise be difficult to understand. My only ideas to improve your books are the following: Possibly slightly change the illustration as I think the content is slightly more mature than the pictures - it is quite cartoonish, however would still make the book appealing (Primary school range)? I think it's a good idea to go to schools to introduce your books :)
I believe the book flowed well. However, the symbol of the religion you used contains the symbol of the cross and you displayed people worshipping the cross on the page titled 'Got it wrong'. I believe this is quite an offensive and suggestive opinion, which if seen by a young child could influence them into a subjective mindset. On this page, I believe the wording could be improved.
The story flowed and fit together, I think the way it was worded on the 'Got it wrong' page felt quite attacking and as though you were suggesting the children drop their God based religion to follow a science based one. Pictures were good and helped lower age range. Book seemed quite contradicting towards what you were saying.
I liked your book because the are very colourful, the way you have set it out is quite interesting and also you are not trying to go against people's beliefs. To improve it try and introduce each character more.
Hi. The pictures felt right for the age range. However the context is for older kids.
I really liked your pictures because they are very child friendly and suited for such a complex topic. However I think that some very religious people may not want to listen, but I liked the idea of the comfort blanket.
I think the book is really good, but I think you should make some of the points much more clearer.
Thank you to all of you!

Photo of the Author
I will definitely be taking your comments, thoughts and ideas on and considering them as I work on how I approach life, evolution and the topics of science and religion from a unique, friendly, adventurous and non-religious perspective.

Gareth Rosser :)
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